River Dell Middle School Scoreboard Storage and Operation
Location / Storage:
- Spectrum scoreboard controller in weight room
- Backup tabletop scoreboard is also in weight room
- Plug into the wall outlet behind the score table.
Game Start:
- Start a game: Press “Function”; Select 1; Press “Enter”
- Restart last game: (in the event of disconnection, it should remember score and time on clock) Press “Function”; Select 2; Press “Enter”
- Set clock: Turn clock off; enter time (enter 800 for 8 minutes); press “Clock Set” (red button top left of keypad)
- Start/Stop clock: Hit the clock On-Off switch
- Count Clock Up or Down: Press “Clock Up/Down” button to toggle between (it should default to down); Use Up to add time
- Period / Quarter: Press “Period / Quarter” to increment the quarter
- Auto horn: A red indicator light means “Auto Horn” in turned on; press “Auto Horn” to turn it on or off (should be kept on so horn sounds at the end of a quarter)
- Manual horn for subs: Press “Horn / Sub” when the clock is turned off to sound the horn for a substitution
- Home Score / Visitor Score: press to increment by 1
- Reset Score: press “Reset”; then Home Score or Visitor Score to blank out a score
Clean up process:
- This scoreboard controller should be returned to the MS weight room after the final game of the day.
- Please locate the custodian to unlock the door and put away.