Rec Basketball (3rd-8th)

Interested in coaching?

We need coaches who are great with kids! Your ability to encourage and support young players is what matters most—you don't need to be a basketball expert. For information and links to coaching requirements for Oradell Youth Sports, please click the button below:"



Our recreation program is split into divisions for 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 grade groups. Teams are formed and coaches by our dedicated volunteers. The season starts with a few team practices and quickly transitions into games.


Below are the times that will be used for practice and games for each division.

Rec basketball runs from the week after Thanksgiving until February break.

Rosters and schedules will become available in TeamSnap about one to two weeks prior to the season.

(subject to change)

3/4 Girls:
Wednesdays - 6-8pm
Saturdays - 8:15am-10:15am

3/4 Boys:
Tuesdays - 7pm-8pm
Saturdays - 12:30pm-2:30pm

5/6 Girls:
Tuesdays- 6pm-8pm
Fridays- 6pm-8pm

5/6 Boys:
Mondays - 7pm-9pm
Thursdays - 7pm-9pm
Saturdays - 10:30am-12:30pm (tentative)

7/8 Girls:
7th & 8th Grade girls interested in playing rec basketball can register with REGAL (River Edge Girls Athletic League). You can find more information here: REGAL Rec Basketball or email

7/8 Boys:
Mondays - 8pm-10pm
Wednesdays - 9pm-10pm (tentative)
Thursdays - 8pm-10pm