Oradell Junior Basketball is proud to offer four distinct programs. Our players start in a skills based clinic before graduating to a 2nd grade transition year. Our 3rd through 8th graders play recreation basketball and can also tryout for a competitive travel team.
Little Dribblers
K-1st Grade
- Once / week
- Basketball skills
- Boys: K, 1st
- Girls: K, 1st
Shooting Stars
2nd Grade
- One to two times / week
- Skills and games intro
- Boys: 2nd
- Girls: 2nd
Rec League
3rd-8th Grade
- Twice / week
- Teams and game play
- Boys: 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
- Girls: 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
Travel League
3rd-8th Grade
- Two-three times / week
- Competition
- Gender based teams
- Grade based teams